旋风动漫BT资源发布索引 | 汇聚动漫BT/ED资源
Scanned and ripped by Mashin BanG Dream! Poppin'Party 3rdシングル「走り始めたばかりのキミに/ティアドロップス」 発売日 : 2016/12/07 商品番号 : BRMM-10055 JANコード : 4562494350642 収録曲 01. 走り始めたばかりのキミに 歌 : Poppin'Party【戸山香澄(CV.愛美)、花園たえ(CV.大塚紗英)、牛込りみ(CV.西本りみ)、山吹沙綾(CV.大橋彩香)、市ヶ谷有咲(CV.伊藤彩沙)】 02. ティアドロップス 歌 : Poppin'Party【戸山香澄(CV.愛美)、花園たえ(CV.大塚紗英)、牛込りみ(CV.西本りみ)、山吹沙綾(CV.大橋彩香)、市ヶ谷有咲(CV.伊藤彩沙)】 03. 走り始めたばかりのキミに -Instrumental- 04. ティアドロップス -Instrumental- 05. クリスマス☆~戸山香澄~ 出演 : 戸山香澄(CV.愛美) 06. クリスマスの発見~花園たえ~ 出演 : 花園たえ(CV.大塚紗英) 07. クリスマスの楽しみ~牛込りみ~ 出演 : 牛込りみ(CV.西本りみ) 08. クリスマスは戦い?~山吹沙綾~ 出演 : 山吹沙綾(CV.大橋彩香) 09. いっそ冬眠したい~市ヶ谷有咲~ 出演 : 市ヶ谷有咲(CV.伊藤彩沙) 10. クリスマス~Poppin'Party~ 出演 : Poppin'Party【戸山香澄(CV.愛美)、花園たえ(CV.大塚紗英)、牛込りみ(CV.西本りみ)、山吹沙綾(CV.大橋彩香)、市ヶ谷有咲(CV.伊藤彩沙)】
12/09 16:01 音乐达人
シュヴァルツェスマーケン ミュージックコレクション 発売日 : 2016/11/30 商品番号 : EYCA-11198~EYCA-11199 JANコード : 4562475271980 音楽 : Evan Call (Elements Garden) 収録曲 [Disc 1] 01. “Schwarzesmarken”Theme 02. 覚悟を新たに 03. white forces (TVアニメ「シュヴァルツェスマーケン」OPテーマ) 歌 : fripSide 04. 黒の宣告 05. 消せぬ苛立ち 06. Coup de grace~慈悲の一撃~ 07. 張り詰めた空気 08. 秘密 09. Stasi 10. Blackened Pride 11. 絶望の深淵 12. 秘めたる野望 13. 心のざわめき 14. 仄暗い空の下で 15. 災厄の潮流 16. 纏わり付く過去 17. 勝利の確信 18. 胸の楔 19. 悔恨 20. 同志として 21. 死を運ぶ獣 22. 溢れ出す怒り 23. 恋心 24. 純粋無垢 25. 戦場を見つめて 26. 焦燥 27. 嘲笑 28. 穏やかな時間 29. Jolly Rogers~西側の部隊~ 30. 雲間に射す光 31. 陰謀 32. 払われぬ疑念 33. 交われぬ運命 34. 前を見つめて 35. 宣告の行方 36. 一幕の終わりに 37. 哀しみが時代を駆ける (TVアニメ「シュヴァルツェスマーケン」EDテーマ) 歌 : Zahre [Disc 2] 01. 1983-schwarzesmarken- (PCゲーム「シュヴァルツェスマーケン 紅血の紋章」OPテーマ) 歌 : fripSide 02. 重圧 03. 悪夢 04. 対立 05. 瓦解の危機 06. 錯綜する戦場 07. Blackened Pride 08. 束の間の休息 09. 父との想い出 10. 無心のひととき 11. 優しい眼差し 12. 死という現実 13. 心に温もりを 14. 翼よ、暁を渡る誓いの中で。 歌 : アイリスディーナ・ベルンハルト(CV.山本希望) 15. 昂ぶる感情 16. white relation (PCゲーム「シュヴァルツェスマーケン 殉教者たち」OPテーマ) 歌 : fripSide 17. 翼よ、暁を渡る誓いの中で。 (Instrumental) 18. 翼よ、暁を渡る誓いの中で。 (Piano) 19. 固まる絆 20. 思いを遂げる為に 21. Die is cast. 22. 最後の灯火 23. Our Hands (PCゲーム「シュヴァルツェスマーケン 殉教者たち」EDテーマ) 歌 : Zahre 24. Last Desire (PCゲーム「シュヴァルツェスマーケン 殉教者たち」ED2テーマ) 歌 : Zahre 25. Lost Heaven (PCゲーム「シュヴァルツェスマーケン 殉教者たち」ED3テーマ) 歌 : リィズ・ホーエンシュタイン(CV.南條愛乃) 26. 哀しみが時代を駆ける (Irisdina Ver.) 歌 : アイリスディーナ・ベルンハルト(CV.山本希望) 27. 哀しみが時代を駆ける (Katia Ver.) 歌 : カティア・ヴァルトハイム(CV.田中美海)
12/07 00:12 音乐达人
Bleach Music 21 / 01 / 2009: Anime OP and ED videos Bleach Beat Collections Endings Openings Soundtracks [Nipponsei] BLEACH THE BEST All the Bleach Music Openings, Ending, Beat collections, and Soundtracks that I could track down from within the bowels of the Internet. File structure is logical, tags are consistent, even if they might not be true to the original CD (especially with the Beat Collections). Current as of about 20 January. All music is in MP3 format. Most is 320 kbps, but a few (like OST 1) I could only find at 128. If you can find a better bitrate for any of the tracks in this collection (Or a FLAC file that I can convert from), let me know and I'll put them in the next torrent I make. A huge, huge thanks to whoever makes Mp3tag. Without that, this would be a much more difficult task than it was. http://www.mp3tag.de/en/ Personal favorites: Life is Like a Boat, Chu-bura, Gallop, D-tecnolife (and most stuff by Uverworld), Thank You!! (along with most other things by Home Made Kazoku), most of the Spanish Arrancar themes in OST3, Senna, and most of all... HOLLOWED (OST 3) / Breakthough Even (DiamondDust Rebellion OST) [same song] The most epic BGM song of the entire series, this was the song that played when Ichigo first went Hollow against Ulquiorra in Hueco Mundo, and it was absolutely perfect for that fight. Unfortunately, they changed the song to Storm Center (the song from when Hyourinmaru was first released against Gin) during the flashback after the Amagai filler, and it sucks in comparison. Not saying Storm Center sucks (far from it actaully), it just sucks for that fight in comparison to HOLLOWED. Lastly, my upload speed is slow (only 30 kilobytes per second), so until there are other (hopefully faster) seeders, please be patient.
12/05 08:20 音乐达人
Bleach Soundtrack Collection ADBT PLS: Beat Collection - Gin Ichimaru [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Sekai wa Sude ni Azamuki no Ue ni.mp3 02 - Fuyu no Hanabi feat. RANGIKU.mp3 03 - Hyouri.mp3 04 - Sekai wa Sude ni Azamuki no Ue ni (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 THX an Generalsmoker Beat Collection - Hanataro Yamada & Kon (320 kbit/s) 01 - Shimpainai Oneesan.mp3 02 - Hanataro desu.mp3 03 - LIONS NEVER SURRENDER.mp3 04 - Shimpainai Oneesan (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 Beat Collection - Ichigo Kurosaki [Nipponsei] (128 kbit/s) 01 - My Blade As My Pride (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 01 - My Blade As My Pride.mp3 02 - Tattooes on the Sky.mp3 03 Memories in the Rain.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker Beat Collection - Renji Abarai [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior.mp3 02 - Standing to Defend You.mp3 03 - Gomi Tamemitai na Machi de Oretachi wa Deatta.mp3 04 - Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 Beat Collection - Uryu Ishida (320 kbit/s) 01 - Quincy no Hokori ni Kakete.mp3 02 - Aesthetics and Identity.mp3 03 - Suigintou no Yoru.mp3 04 - Quincy no Hokori ni Kakete (Original Karaoke).mp3 THX an Nanami und Windragon Beat Collection Second Session 01 - Ichigo Kurosaki & Zangetsu (192 kbit/s) 01. SKY HIGH.mp3 02. RAIN.mp3 03. ZAN.mp3 04. SKY HIGH (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 05. RAIN (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 06. ZAN (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 THX an Windragon Beat Collection Second Session 02 - Toshiro Hitsugaya, Rangiku Matsumoto & Momo Hinamori (192 kbit/s) 01. THIS LIGHT I SEE.mp3 02. momoiro no hana.mp3 03. ran hana ~ ranka ~.mp3 04. THIS LIGHT I SEE - INSTRUMENTAL -.mp3 05. momoiro no hana - INSTRUMENTAL -.mp3 06. ran hana ~ ranka ~ - INSTRUMENTAL -.mp3 THX an Windragon Beat Collection Second Session 03 - Kenpachi Zaraki, Yachiru Kusajishi, Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasegawa (320 kbit/s) 01. We.mp3 02. COME to LIKE it.This FIGHT Now..mp3 03. Funny days.mp3 04. We(INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 05. COME to LIKE it.This FIGHT Now.(INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 06. Funny days(INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 THX an Windragon Beat Collection Second Session 04 - Jin Kariya, Ririn, Kuroudo, Noba (320 kbit/s) 01. LOOKING FOR....mp3 02. GAME!GAME!GAME!.mp3 03. Faiteingusouru.mp3 04. LOOKING FOR... (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 05. GAME!GAME!GAME! (INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 06. Faiteingusouru(INSTRUMENTAL).mp3 THX an Nanami und Windragon Drama CD (VBR) 01 - Senzaikyuu.mp3 02 - Underground.mp3 03 - Prison Cell.mp3 04 - Flashback Dream.mp3 05 - The Office.mp3 06 - Prison Cell.mp3 07 - In Front of 3rd Division HQ.mp3 08 - Flashback.mp3 09 - Present Time.mp3 10 - Later.mp3 11 - Elsewhere.mp3 12 - Back Underground.mp3 13 - Senzaikyuu.mp3 ED1 Single - Life is Like a Boat [Rie.Fu] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 Life is Like a Boat.mp3 02 Voice.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker ED10 Single - Sakura Biyori [Hoshimura Mai] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - Sakura Biyori.mp3 02 - Wonder Land.mp3 03 - Yoru Tsuki.mp3 04 - Sakura Biyori (Instrumental).mp3 THX an minglong ED11 Single - Tsumasaki [Ore Ska Band] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 Tsumasaki.mp3 02 Pinocchio (LIVESakai Shimin Kaikan).mp3 THX an Generalsmoker ED12 Single - Daidai [Chatmonchy] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Daidai.mp3 02 - Cosmo Town.mp3 03 - Real.mp3 THX an minglong ED13 Single - Tane wo Maku Hibi [Atari Kousuke] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Tane wo Maku Hibi.mp3 02 - Michi no Tochuu.mp3 03 - Kotoba wa Iranai.mp3 04 - Chikyuu Kyoudai.mp3 THX an minglong und Generalsmoker ED2 Single - Thank You!! [HOME MADE KAZOKU] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Thank You!!.mp3 02 - Home Sweet Home (reborn).mp3 ED3 Single - Houki Boshi [Younha] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - Houki Boshi.mp3 02 - Ashita, Tenki ni Nare..mp3 03 - Omoide ni Dekinai.mp3 04 - Houki Boushi - instrumental.mp3 THX an minglong ED4 Single - Happypeople [Skoop on Somebody] [Nipponsei] (128 kbit/s) 01 happypeople.mp3 02 Eien no Hoshizora.mp3 03 Summer Love.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker ED5 Single - LIFE [YUI] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - LIFE.mp3 02 - crossroad.mp3 03 - Tomorrow's way ~YUI Acoustic Version~.mp3 04 - LIFE ~Instrumental~.mp3 ED6 Single - My Pace [SunSet Swish] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - My Pace.mp3 02 - Suna no Objet.mp3 03 - My Pace (Original Karaoke).mp3 ED7 Single - HANABI [Ikimono Gakari] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 HANABI.mp3 02 Amai Nigai Jikan.mp3 03 Momen no Handkerchief.mp3 04 HANABI -instrumental-.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker ED8 Single - MOVIN!! [Takacha] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01. MOVIN !!.mp3 02. Ame ni mo... Kaze ni mo....mp3 03. Live in Takacha V.mp3 04. Suiyoubi.mp3 05. MOVIN !! (Acoustic Version).mp3 THX an Generalsmoker ED9 Single - Baby It's You [JUNE] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - Baby It's You.mp3 02 - Discotheque Romantic.mp3 03 - LOVE.mp3 04 - Baby It's You (less vocal).mp3 05 - Discotheque Romantic (less vocal).mp3 THX an minglong OP1 Single - Asterisk [Orange Range] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 Asterisk.mp3 02 Mission in Taisakusen.mp3 03 Spiral.mp3 04 Asterisk ~Romantic Version~.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker OP2 Single - D-Technolife [UVERworld] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - D-Tecnolife.mp3 02 - Mixed-Up.mp3 03 - ai ta.mp3 04 - D-Tecnolife (TV Size).mp3 OP3 Single - Ichirin no Hana [HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Ichirin no Hana.mp3 02 - Warped Reflection.mp3 03 - Ichirin no Hana ~Huge Hollow Mix~.mp3 04 - Ichirin no Hana (Less Vocal Track).mp3 THX an minglong OP4 Single - TONIGHT TONIGHT TONIGHT [BEAT CRUSADERS] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - Tonight Tonight Tonight.mp3 02 - I Wanna Go to the Disko.mp3 03. E.C.D.T.mp3 04 - Everybody Hates my Guitar Sound.mp3 THX an Generalsmoker OP5 Single - Rolling star [YUI] [Nipponsei] (192 kbit/s) 01 - Rolling star.mp3 02 - Winter Hot Music.mp3 03 - I remember you ~YUI Acoustic Version~.mp3 04 - Rolling star ~Instrumental~.mp3 THX an minglong OP6 Single - ALONES [Azua Times] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - ALONES.mp3 02 - Akatsuki.mp3 03 - Mr - Road Runner (DJ Mass'Skate Sonic Remix).mp3 04 - ALONES (Instrumental Mix).mp3 THX an minglong OP7 Single - After Dark [ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION] [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - After Dark.mp3 02 - Yuigahama Kite.mp3 THX an minglong Original Soundtrack 1 [Nipponsei] (128 kbit/s) 01 on the precipice of defeat.mp3 02 ~Asterisk~ (OST Ver.).mp3 03 comical world.mp3 04 oh so tired.mp3 05 head in the clouds.mp3 06 ditty for daddy.mp3 07 creping shadows.mp3 08 raw breath of danger.mp3 09 enemy unseen.mp3 10 will of the heart.mp3 11 requiem for the lost ones.mp3 12 Nothing Can Be Explained(vocal ver.).mp3 13 burden of the past.mp3 14 destiny awaits.mp3 15 catch-22.mp3 16 heat of the battle.mp3 17 blaze of the soul reaper.mp3 18 battle ignition.mp3 19 never meant to belong.mp3 20 storm center.mp3 21 Number One(vocal ver.).mp3 22 going home.mp3 23 Life is Like a Boat(TV EDIT FAST ver.).mp3 24 peaceful afternoon.mp3 25 Thank You!! (TV size ver.).mp3 Original Soundtrack 2 [Nipponsei] (320 kbit/s) 01 - choked.mp3 02 - emergence of the haunted.mp3 03 - on the verge of insanity.mp3 04 - confrontation.mp3 05 - diago 45 degrees tango.mp3 06 - dodo dance.mp3 07 - splaaash boogie.mp3 08 - ominous premonition.mp3 09 - phenomena.mp3 10 - demolition drive.mp3 11 - here to stay.mp3 12 - a requiem.mp3 13 - compassion.mp3 14 - citadel of the bount.mp3 15 - The Calling.mp3 16 - shadow's masquerade.mp3 17 - whisper of the apocalypse.mp3 18 - back to the wall.mp3 19 - rage of lunacy.mp3 20 - torn apart.mp3 21 - swan song.mp3 22 - 999.mp3 23 - Number One (Nas-T Mix).mp3 Thx goes to the User who made this possible!
12/05 08:20 音乐达人