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Micro of Def Tech - Laid Back 8 August 2007 Def Tech is the duo of Micro Yuuki Nishimiya and Shen Shenan Brown. They first met during one of Shen’s many trips to from Hawaii to Japan; his father is English-Japanese linguist James Dean Brown, author of “Understanding Research in Second Language Learning” 1988 and professor at the University of Hawaii, which I’m just mentioning because I think that book is worth reading if you’re interested in linguistics. Anyways—the important aspect of these circumstances is that Shen and Micro hit it off quickly, sharing interests not only in music but in the surfer culture in general. They officially debuted in 2005 with a reggae sound that borrowed from both Japanese and Hawaiian cultures.Their eponymous Def Tech album, released in January of 2005, was an immediate and surprising success. It sold nearly two million copies and spent time at the top of the Oricon charts. In June they released the E.P. Lokahi Lani, setting a new sales record for an indie label along the way. Def Tech was getting lots of air time on radio stations. They had a number of commercial tie-ins. Their 2006 album Catch the Wave provided the title track for a Japanese film of the same name, in which Micro has a cameo as a surfer. Def Tech was selling out concerts with their energetic performances. They were winning awards for their singles, their music videos, and more.And then in 2007 Def Tech suddenly broke up. The official reason given was that they disagreed about the musical direction of the group. One month prior to their break-up Micro released Laid Back, technically a solo album but one which featured contributions from a variety of artists. Def Tech’s disbandment quickly painted Laid Back in a different light; it originally appeared as a semi-experimental solo album from half a duo, something that is not rare enough to be an instant warning siren. But when Def Tech announced their split almost one month to the day after the release of Laid Back it became easy to look back at the album, the large number of collaborations it features, and realize that it was likely the fruit of a splintering seed that appeared within Def Tech months prior.The music of Laid Back is entirely appropriate for its title, and not significantly different from anything Def Tech created as a duo. As a whole it is slower in tempo and there is a small but noticeable tinge of emphasis on Japanese reggae and rap. Which was no surprise, as Micro was the half of Def Tech that brought those elements to the table. That said, Laid Back is an enjoyable solo endeavor.Def Tech would reunite three years later and remains active, making this album a rare break from the norm for either artist.
03/18 11:21 jusan
Leah Dizon - Destiny Line 12 September 2007 Leah Dizon is irrefutable proof that having a pretty face is ninety percent of what you need to succeed in the Japanese pop industry. The other ten percent consists of singing, dancing, and least of all, song-writing.Born and raised in Las Vegas, Dizon wanted to be a singer from a young age. To that end she attended schools for the performing arts. At the age of eighteen she moved to Los Angeles for college, majoring in film. However, she would drop out of school within a year. While in Los Angeles Dizon worked as a grid girl to support herself. Her sexy photo-shoots quickly began to appear on the Internet and suddenly Dizon found herself with an unexpected fan-base in Japan. A lot of people found an exotic beauty in her French-Filipino-Chinese ethnic heritage. When these new-found fans learned that Dizon wanted to be a singer they began pressuring her to send out demos. And so she did, sending a demo to multiple Japanese labels. Victor Entertainment signed her in 2006 and relocated her to Tokyo.Leah Dizon released a photo-book six months after moving to Japan, nearly five months before she would release any music. Dizon had all the characteristics of stereotypical gravure idol trying to be a pop star. Arguably she was already a star before ever recording a single song. Eleven months later Dizon had recorded and released her debut album, Destiny Line.Something strange happened though. The album was actually good.While it was hardly an earth-shattering album, Destiny Line was surprising for demonstrating Dizon’s talents as a song-writer. She created or collaborated on all but three tracks of her thirteen-track debut. Calendar pin-up babes turning into Japanese pop stars is a common phenomenon. However, it is rare to see one who works closely on writing her own music. This fact alone made the album more interesting than one by—I don’t know—someone like Nao Nagasawa. Her vocals and lyrical skills had room for improvement but that did not prevent Destiny Line from being a refreshingly interesting album considering the extremely stereotypical, superficial events that led to its creation.Leah Dizon has been an hiatus since releasing her second album in 2008, Communication!!! The three major reasons were her marriage, subsequent pregnancy, and subsequent divorce. Once one becomes a pop star it can be impossible to have a private life; the media thoroughly covered Leah Dizon’s marriage troubles and legal battle for custody of her daughter which she won. At this time of writing she is back in the United States but has expressed interest in returning to Japanese music. Now it’s just a waiting game to see if any record label want to sign Leah Dizon and begin what would be the second stage of her music career.Personally I don’t see it happening, but who knows. In any case, I hope as always that you enjoy the album!
03/18 11:20 jusan
[얼티메이트] [131009] TVアニメ「きんいろモザイクKiniro Mosaic」サウンドブック「いつまでも一緒だよ。」320K+BK TVアニメ「きんいろモザイク」サウンドブック「いつまでも一緒だよ。」発売日 : 2013/10/09商品番号 : VTCL-60351JAN : 4580325315523メディア CD組枚数 1音楽 : 川田瑠夏[内容紹介]けいおん! に次ぐ芳文社の主力人気作品、待望のアニメ化! 日常系ゆるふわ学園コメディ「きんいろモザイク」の世界を彩るオリジナルサウンドブック。オープニング&エンディング曲TVサイズ収録。メインキャストによるキャラクターソングを4曲収録。収録曲01. モーニングコーヒー02. やすみじかん03. あわわ04. あきいろスターマイン歌 : 猪熊陽子CV.内山夕実&九条カレンCV.東山奈央05. ときめきこころ06. イトシノキミト07. もしかして08. アリスのモノローグ09. Lets Party!!10. Jumping!! -pf Solo Ver.-11. 一緒だね12. しょんぼり13. あれれ!?14. ホリディ!15. ひまわりいろサマーデイズ歌 : 大宮忍CV.西明日香&小路綾CV.種田梨沙16. ココロナミダ17. 運命のいと18. Your Voice -放課後 Ver.-19. ア・ヤ・シ・イ20. 動揺してなんか…!!21. 放課後22. 叶わない想い23. ちょっとしたいたずら24. さくらいろチェリッシュ歌 : Rhodanthe*25. クラス替え26. 新しい季節27. なぎさいろハイビスカス歌 : 小路綾CV.種田梨沙&猪熊陽子CV.内山夕実28. Jumping!! -OP Edit-歌 : Rhodanthe*29. Your Voice -ED Edit-歌 : Rhodanthe*30. 忍の創作劇 Bonus Track歌 : 大宮忍とゆかいな仲間たちDDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/13iVX5 Password : gvgfMagnet
03/18 11:19 jusan (讨论)
[가고일] [131009] 多田葵 - ホップミュージック [320K] 专辑介绍:多田葵が、実に3年ぶりとなる新作『ホップミュージック』を、10月9日にリリースする。アルバムは、多田葵の新世界を表現した一枚。 “渋谷系” 編曲・平田博信、『フォトカノ』ED作曲・流歌、そしてボカロPとしても活躍中・でか大らの参加もポイントだ。多田葵オリジナル書き下ろし12曲に、ボーナストラックとして、話題のPCゲーム『君と彼女と彼女の恋』EDテーマ「星のメリーゴーランド」およびTVアニメ『リコーダーとランドセル ド♪』主題歌「Glitter ~励まし系ver~」を収録した全14曲を収録。励まし系シンガーソングライターとして活動する傍ら、TVアニメ、ゲームのエンディング曲や人気アニメの声優までこなすマルチな才能を持った多田葵のNEW ALBUMがリリース。PCゲーム「君と彼女と彼女の恋。」、「リコーダーとランドセル ド♪」のエンディングテーマも収録。曲目列表:01. Invitation02. シュールな午後03. リアルドラマ04. 恋の終わり05. なんてね06. Happy Halloween!!07. シンデレラ08. 放課後09. 丸い瞳10. プリズム11. アナログ12. Simple ~2013 ver~13. Glitter ~励まし系 ver~14. 星のメリーゴーランドhttp://pan.baidu.com/s/1d0yH7pw : ewpcThank for TDSM
03/18 11:19 jusan
8otto - HYPER, HYP8R, HYPER 3 September 2008 Now that I am back at home I have the time to ramble like usual about the music I’m uploading.8otto is one of those bands who has a name with a non-obvious pronunciation. The ‘8’ is silent, so you read their name as ‘otto’. That was actually not their original name. The four-member rock band came together in 1999 but adopted the moniker 8otto in 2004. That marked the beginning of their success beyond the underground indie scene. 8otto began playing in Osaka in 1999 and performed there for years. When 8otto gained popularity and attracted attention from music executives in 2004 they had already left Osaka. It would take another two years before 8otto would record their debut album, we do vibration. But before creating the album the band not only returned to Osaka to revisit their origins, they also spent time playing in the United States. That is where they actually recorded their debut.HYPER, HYP8R, HYPER is 8otto’s third studio album. It is unquestionably rock, but with a deep, reverberating sound that carries the album along at a slow, methodical, engrossing pace. The burn-out ‘stoner’ rock composition is enhanced by the deep vocals of Maenosono Masaki. His position in 8otto is rare for any rock band: not only is Maenosono the vocalist, he is also the drummer. It forces an unusual and interesting setup for their live performances, which are more lively than the drift on this album would lead you to believe.I think this is a great rock album to leave on repeat, which I like to do while working, for example. I hope you enjoy it too, and as always requests are welcome!
03/18 11:19 jusan
[AOI] DANGANRONPA THE ANIMATION ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK [320k+scans] Title: DANGANRONPA THE ANIMATION ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACKType OST: Anime CN: GNCA-1343 Artist: Masafumi Takada, MOSAIC.WAV, suzumu, Kazunori WatanabeCDs:2Number of songs: 24/27Release Date: Aug 28, 2013>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tracklist: >>>>>>>>>>>>1. Danganronpa The Animation2.High Speed Butsuri Action3.Momomomonokuma The Animation4.Oshioki Rocket5.Chimidoro Fever6.Beautifuldays The Animation7.Monokuma Sensei No Jugyou8.Laundry De Rendez-vous9.Hotel Kibougamine10.Kibou Teki Kansoku 78 Seiun11.Zetsubou Eden12.Beautifuldead The Animation13.Nichijou No Seishi Suru Hi14.Kokoro No Riron15.Box15 The Animation16.Ikikiru The Animation17.Monokuma Kara No Douki X18.Yonimo Zetsubou Na Monogatari19.Eleki Boy Meets Metal Girl20.Zetsubou Shoukougun The Animation21.Distruct The Animation22.Versailles San Hiaburi Majo Gari Jitate23.Youkoso Zetsubou Gakuen The Animation24.Negaigoto Ensemble The AnimationDisc 225.Never Say Never The Animation26.I Want Tune27.Chou Koukou Kyuu To Hito Ha Yobu!28.Hirameki Anagram The Animation29.Super Mtb The Animation30.Super Final M.t.b. The Animation31.All All Apollo Shisu The Animation32.You Great Guitar33.Dangan In The Dark34.Houkago Dai Sakusen35.Old Comic Situation36.Koroshiai Tokku37.Kouron.one Inch Punch38.Shokei Ni Negai Wo The Animation39.Gakkyuu Saiban Reimei Hen The Animation40.Giron-break- The Animation41.Gakkyuu Saiban Ranse Hen The Animation42.Giron-heat Up- The Animation43.Gakkyuu Saiban Taiyou Hen The Animation44.Hoshuu For Fuun45.Zetsubou Syndrome The Animation46.Box16 The Animation47.Chou Koukou Kyuu No Zetsubou Teki Oshioki48.New World Order The Animation49.Sayonara Zetsubou Gakuen The Animation50.Zetsubou Sei:hero Chiryouyaku The Animation51.Monokuma Ondo The Animation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>www.animeost.info
03/18 11:19 jusan (讨论)