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[얼티메이트] C86同人音楽東方[monochrome-coat] VIA 320K monochrome-coat - VIA 発売日 : 2014/08/16 (C86) 収録曲 01. 夜明けのファンタジー   歌 : めらみぽっぷ   原曲:ミッドナイトスペルカード [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: めらみぽっぷ / arr.シュリンプ 02. スペル=時空転生回路   歌 : めらみぽっぷ   原曲:不可能弾幕には反則を [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: カミヤシロ / arr.カミヤシロ(AdamKadmon) 03. カナシミカナタ   歌 : IZNA   原曲:ロマンチック逃飛行 [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: IZNA / arr.土方 英司 04. セイジャノコウシン   歌 : IZNA   原曲:リバースイデオロギー [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: IZNA / arr. 土方 英司 05. イカサマ サカサ セカイ   歌 : 綾倉盟   原曲:反則の狼煙を上げろ [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: 綾倉盟 / arr. nice_s 06. evil conduct   歌 : めらみぽっぷ   原曲:リバースイデオロギー [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: めらみぽっぷ / arr.Sepia 07. 闇夜の月に最後のkiss…   歌 : 珠梨 from AdamKadmon   原曲:永遠の三日天下 [弾幕アマノジャク]   Lyrics: カミヤシロ / arr.カミヤシロ(AdamKadmon) 08. 夜明けのファンタジー ~Off Vocal Ver.   原曲:ミッドナイトスペルカード [弾幕アマノジャク]   arr.シュリンプ 09. evil conduct -Off Vocal Ver.-   原曲:リバースイデオロギー [弾幕アマノジャク]   arr.Sepia DDL : 나중에 Magnet
08/20 06:37 one_piece (讨论)
[얼티메이트] C86同人音楽東方[Adom Kadmon] Refrain 320K Adom Kadmon - Refrain 発売日 : 2014/08/16 (C86) 収録曲 01. 華風リフレイン   原曲:針小棒大の天守閣 [東方輝針城]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ 02. Mebius×Loop   原曲:少女さとり ~ 3rd eye [東方地霊殿]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ   03. Last-aim- 雨の中…   原曲:牛に引かれて善光寺参り [伊弉諾物質]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ 04. Our Destiny   原曲:少女秘封倶楽部 [蓮台野夜行]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ 05. 夕焼けライオライト   原曲:孤独なウェアウルフ [東方輝針城]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ 06. 砂時計   原曲:ミッドナイトスペルカード [弾幕アマノジャク]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:ワニ / 編曲:ワニ(サリー)   Guitar & Gt SOLO: RAT1959(ジャク) / Mix:NSY(サリー)    07. 千年誄華   原曲:柳の下のデュラハン [東方輝針城]   Vocal:珠梨 / 作詞:カミヤシロ / 編曲:カミヤシロ 08. 華風リフレイン -Off Vocal Ver.- 09. Mebius×Loop -Off Vocal Ver.- 10. 砂時計 -Off Vocal Ver.- DDL : 나중에 Magnet
08/20 06:37 bleach (讨论)
MERRY - Two Albums, Two Singles 2009--2013 Uploaded by request for Abunja. I know it seemed like I forgot about this, heh. It just took me a while to sift through my music collection for these. This torrent contains the following: 1. Album: Under-World. 25 February 2009. VICL-63248. 2. Album: Beautiful Freaks. 27 July 2011. SFCD-91. 3. Single: Gunjou. 2 May 2012. SFCD-104. 4. Single: Fukurou. 6 February 2013. SFCD-116. For those unfamiliar with Merry—also often written as MERRY—they are a five-member visual-kei band. They came together in 2001, each member coming from other bands like Shiver, After effect, and ACiD. Like many visual-key bands Merry most often performs hard rock with a metal influence. However, they do not focus exclusively on this style and have produced forays into punk, ballads, and even techno. Their music should sound familiar to fans of Luna Sea, X Japan, and Kuroyume, all of whom Merry has cited as sources of inspiration. Vocalist Gara’s lyrics take many cues from Kyo of Dir en grey. Gara formerly traveled with Dir en grey on their concert tours and has talked about his ’apprenticeship’ with Kyo. Those of you who like Kyo’s lyricism will find parallels in Gara’s writing. Overall Merry is a talented and entertaining band in a genre rife with boring, stale, and predictable molds. Personally I think Merry stands out from that crowd and is a band who deserves time from any visual-kei fans. If anyone has requests for uploads please leave me a comment and let me know. I’ll be happy to upload anything I own so don’t hesitate to ask. Hope you enjoy the music Abunja, and I hope everyone else enjoys it too!
08/19 16:36 naruto (讨论)
[얼티메이트] C86同人音楽東方[幽閉サテライト] 残響は鳴り止まず 320K 幽閉サテライト - 残響は鳴り止まず 発売日 : 2014/08/16 (C86) Vocal : senya 収録曲 01. 残響は鳴り止まず (「幻想万華鏡~紅霧異変の章~後編」のED曲) 原曲 : 上海紅茶館 ~ Chinese Tea (東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : Iceon / 歌 : senya / ギター : 音霊 02. アマノジャック 原曲 : 永遠の三日天下 (弾幕アマノジャク ~ Impossible Spell Card) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : HiZuMi / 歌 : senya 03. 零度の微笑み 原曲 : ロマンチック逃飛行 (弾幕アマノジャク ~ Impossible Spell Card) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : Autobahn / 歌 : senya 04. 二人ジェラシー (幽閉サテライト Sample06) 原曲 : 緑眼のジェラシー (東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : でいたらぼっち,HiZuMi / 歌 : senya 05. Magica [新 Ver.] (東方魔法少女 アルティメット☆れいむ) 原曲 : 妖怪の山 ~ Mysterious Mountain (Double Spoiler) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : HiZuMi / 歌 : senya 06. 濡れた髪に触れられた時 (Autobahn Remix) 原曲 : 万年置き傘にご注意を (東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object) 作詞 : かませ虎 / 編曲 : Autobahn / 歌 : senya DDL : http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqGbhTM Magnet
08/19 08:27 naruto (讨论)
Sons of All Pussys - All Debut Mini-Albums 2003 Sons of All Pussys is a three-member rock band notable for having two L’Arc-en-Ciel members and one of the easiest band names to remember, ever. The trio formed in 2002 featuring current L’Arc-en-Ciel guitarist Ken (vocals and guitar for S.O.A.P.), Ein (bass), and former L’Arc-en-Ciel member Sakura (drums). Fans of L’Arc probably know the story of drummer Sakurazawa Yasunori: in October 1997 he was arrested for possession of heroin and as a result dropped out of L’Arc seemingly of his own volition, but I doubt most people believe he wouldn’t have been kicked out anyway, seeing as how his arrest resulted in canceled concerts and retailers pulling L’Arc’s albums off their shelves. Personally I thought his career was over at the time, so it was great to see Sakura bounce back and eventually reunite with one of his former band-mates in 2002. In 2003, a year after their debut, Sons of All Pussys released three mini-albums, each with five tracks: 1. Grace (6 February 2003) 2. gimme A guitar (26 March 2003) 3. high (26 November 2003) For all intents and purposes they can be considered a single work and S.O.A.P’s debut album. They went on to release a single in 2004 and then, as far as I know, fell off the world. Sakura in particular has kept himself busy with solo work and participating in other bands. Sorry about the gap between uploads. Hope you all enjoy the music!
08/19 07:59 bleach