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[150401]Senran Kagura ESTIVAL VERSUS Shoujotachi no Sentaku Soundtrack 閃乱カグラ ESTIVAL VERSUS -少女達の選択- オリジナルサウンドトラック320K Disc 1 01SUNSHINE FES(Full ver.)1:59 02It's Summer! Shinobi on the Sunny Beach!1:40 03Viewing the Light of Dusk1:39 04Silence Between Waves1:37 05Technique that Protects the Tower1:34 06Our School, the Hanzo Academy!1:36 07Great to See You Here! Hebijo Girls' Academy!1:33 08The Bewitching Gessen Girl's School1:53 09The Voices of Festival Resound in the Mountains1:36 10The Flower of Edo1:46 11Resound, the Beating of My Soul!1:33 12The Beach of Passion!1:36 13Light and Silence1:44 14The Hot Snowscape1:43 15Amusement Park of Sweets1:45 16Get Heated Up!1:29 17Scorching Volcano1:38 18The Place of Prayers1:46 19Sayuri's Whims1:25 20Fear, Anxiety and Expectations1:23 21Come on! With Burning Feelings in the Chest1:31 22The Usual People and the Usual Talks1:23 23Meaning of the Festival1:23 24Crushing the Tower1:23 25Forever within Our Hearts1:35 26The Notes of Sorrow1:23 27Peacefulness Right by Your Side1:23 28Conflicted with Fighting and Friendship1:40 29Feeling Carefree1:23 30Theme of KP Mask1:23 31Just for a Little1:23 32Shopping Spree1:24 33The Summer Fire5:11 34SUNSHINE FES(Off vocal ver.)1:56 Disc length 57:16 Disc 2 01SUNSHINE FES(Short ver.) 02Proof of Strength2:22 03Grandfather's Wish2:16 04My Oath2:30 05Sending Determination2:13 06I'm Japanese2:16 07Look at Minori!0:13 08Chance to Show My Growth2:24 09With Feelings and Determination Towards Mother2:19 10Blue and Violet Intentions2:14 11I Want to Convey My Feelings2:29 12In Order to Remain as My Honest Self2:17 13Make Sure It Absolutely Hurts0:11 14Conflicted with Victory and Festival2:39 15Grandma's True Motive2:20 16Searching for the Wielder of Hien2:13 17Simple, Fair Fight!2:37 18I'll Make Sure to Protect You!2:35 19Hibari is Hi-ba-ri!0:15 20First Step towards Understanding2:27 21Open Up! Way to the Title!2:30 22Sprouts, Me and Seafood2:40 23Starting to Sense Own Mind and Self2:26 24Futsure's Idea2:22 25The Pink Sadism0:14 26The Meaning Victory Holds Within2:40 27Beauty who's Life was Damaged2:21 28For My Little Sisters2:31 29Those Who Serve Kagura2:21 30Hanabi Kaboom!2:15 31Are You an Idiot?2:44 32The Desperate Old Priestess0:11 33The Flowers of Festival are Opening2:23 34For My Comrades2:08 35Reason that Moves the Time0:12 36Not Enough Strength0:14 37Today's Enemy, Tomorrow's Ally
04/02 19:14 naruto
下載地址: http://t.cn/RA5OqOH 如想找 度娘雲的話請去這邊 : http://t.cn/RA5OhwN 動音漫影論壇: http://bbs.dymy.org/forum.php 誠招片源、翻譯、時軸、後期、特效、美工等人員 QQ 2763748933、1054379248 【故事簡介】 故事主要發生在虛構的大陸『布裡塔利亞』上的國家『里昂妮絲王國』,王國的聖騎士們為了準備傳說中的聖戰而進行軍備強化,然而聖騎士團的諸多暴行使得整個國家民不聊生,甚至發動政變囚禁了國王。擔憂著國家現狀的第三王女『伊莉莎白』,將救國的希望寄託於十年前因涉嫌顛覆王國而被通緝的騎士團『七大罪』從而獨自踏上尋找的旅程。註定無果的旅程中,疲憊不堪的伊莉莎白誤入某個酒店,被酒店的主人、一名金髮少年救下,這名少年正是『七大罪』的團長。在將公主從追兵的危機中解救出來後,他們踏上了拯救國家未來的旅途。 騎士團『七大罪』是讓人聞之喪膽的名字!它由七名兇惡的大罪人組成的王國最強、最兇惡的騎士團,他們在十年前被懷疑策劃了王國的叛變遭到王國的聖騎士攻擊,現已行蹤不明。 【STAFF】 原作:鈴木央(講談社「周刊少年雜誌」連載) 監督:岡村天齋 系列構成:菅正太郎 角色設計·總作畫監督:佐佐木啟悟 音樂:澤野弘之 製作 : A-1 Pictures 【CAST】 梅利奧達斯:梶裕貴 伊麗莎白:雨宮天 霍克:久野美咲 黛安:悠木碧 班:鈴木達央 金:福山潤 吉爾桑達:宮野真守
04/01 17:03 动画更新员 约1条评论